On behalf of the ALA student chapter officers, we want to welcome back the second year students and give a warm welcome to all the new first year students. Welcome to UCLA’s MLIS program!
We hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing summer! ALA is looking to hit the ground running this year, and we wanted to give everyone a quick preview of some of the exciting things we’re planning this year.
First off, the ALA student chapter will be hosting a recruitment meeting on Friday October 2, 2009 to welcome new students and to recruit new members to the ALA student chapter. And for new students interested in gaining some leadership and organizational experience, we’ll be having officer elections in the coming weeks for the following positions: Vice-President, Secretary, Webmaster/Blogmaster, and Co-Treasurer. Serving as an officer with the ALA student chapter is a great way to get actively involved in your MLIS education and will give you some great organizational experience, which will come in handy as we enter the library profession! This general meeting is open to all and *lunch will be served.*
On Wednesday October 7, 2009, we’ll hold our annual Mentor/Mentee mixer. This is a casual evening event where first year students will have the opportunity to meet their second year mentors, and of course mingle. Drinks and snacks will be served.
Remember to also follow our blog to stay current on ALA events, IS departmental news, conference updates, national news on libraries and information technology, and to follow our news/blog feeds from various national ALA groups, the Library Journal (LJ) newsletter, ACRL, and ALSC.
Good luck to everyone this year!
--UCLA ALA Student Chapter