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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Unslam the Doors: Protesting the Cuts at LAPL

On Monday, July 19th, 2010, a protest was held to mark the first non-holiday Monday that Los Angeles Public Library was closed.  The protest, sponsored by the Librarian's Guild, was held at the Central Branch of LAPL and addressed staff layoffs and the move to a schedule that leaves all libraries in the system open only five days a week.  

Several speakers, including UCLA professor emerita Dr. Virginia Walter, called attention to the importance of libraries to a community, and how those services are affected by the cuts in staff and hours.  The cuts have been prompted by Los Angeles' fiscal shortcomings; LA City Council also opted to not place a $39 parcel tax that would have supported library services on the November 2010 ballot, despite a poll taken in May that shows 68% of voters would have voted in favor of the tax.

For more information on LAPL and how to help restore hours, please visit savethelibrary.org, where a letter campaign is currently taking place urging LA City Council to restore library hours.  For a national view on the library crisis, visit losinglibraries.org where a map of libraries affected by closures, layoffs, and budget cuts is available.