Hello Future Information Professionals,
Don’t let the look on my face fool
you (I am the one in the Ramones shirt). I am still thrilled about ALA’s first
event of the academic year! If you all don’t mind, I’d like to tell you a
little more about ALA’s Icebreakers on Ice, which occurred this past Sunday. As
I stated in my previous post, I want our ALA student chapter to be a fun
mixture of both profession-building and social events. I originally saw
Icebreakers as an opportunity for students to interact with their classmates
outside of the classroom setting. What I have come to realize, during my short
time at UCLA, is that our profession is quite small. The people in our classes
today, will be our co-workers and colleagues tomorrow. Our internship
supervisors and future employers were once, like us, struggling with
information theory! Another unfortunate thing that I have noticed is that life (work, school,
family, and relationships) often prevents us from getting to know the people in
our program. To remedy this, I conceived the idea of Icebreakers on Ice.
My thinking behind this was that by
having students step out of their comfort zones, from the library to the ice, I
thought that ice skating might break down any barriers to meeting new people
and would hopefully be a fun way for people to bond. While I did not get as
many people as I had envisioned (I think that a lot of people were a little
scared of skating and two people had to cancel due to illness),
I do think that Icebreakers provided MLIS students with a good opportunity to
interact with their classmates. The initial number of RSVPs may have been
discouraging but my spirits immediately lifted when a group of four students
decided to visit the ice arena after working on a group project. I did wish
that I was able to reach more first-year students but I hope that of the ones
who did attend, they were able to make a couple new connections with people in
the program. If not, I will be more than happy to introduce them!
This was my own personal attempt at
event planning and I am satisfied with the results. With this task completed, I
will use my experiences to better understand what students want from ALA
programming and to better advertise these events in the future. I am confident
and even more excited that ALA’s two planned university panels will be a
smashing success!
Until next time,
Nick Auricchio
ALA President
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